Discover the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methodology provided by a certified facilitator. In this workshop, you will experience in first person a meeting by using the methodology, while we explain you the main keys so you can see all its possibilities.
The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a new communication methodology designed to solve complex problems in a collaborative and creative way by using: LEGO pieces, games and "thinking with hands" as a guiding thread. This methodology allows dealing with topics such as teamwork, business strategy, corporate values and generation of ideas or decision-making.
Are you coming to play seriously?

The general perception of executives prevents, at times, recognizing that they are human beings, governed by emotions and susceptible to have anxieties and fears. Behind this confidence, firmness and solidity that a high command can reflect, there is a person whose leadership position commands personal challenges of enormous complexity.
Even there are solid and well-constituted teams, nobody can take charge these individuals’ solitude. For that, those in management positions must know how to look at themselves, before looking at those around them, in order to find and select the best options.
We find it interesting to highlight the concept of the "sacrifice syndrome", which translates into a physical and emotional deterioration suffered by many directive people who, precisely want to be "efficiently empathic", stop being so. This is the result of the need to manage constant crises using high doses of energy, self-control and enthusiasm. Consequently, managerial positions, due to demand that implies being a good leader, sacrifice their personal life, their emotional stability and their health and, eventually, end up sacrificing their own effectiveness as leaders.

The new training paradigms should take students to the centre of the process, by using models that encourage curiosity, creativity, skills, teamwork and knowledge acquired outside the classroom. All information students need to learn is already in the network, but it is necessary that teachers make it available for them to analyse, interpret, internalize and even to enrich it. In the end, it is necessary to see the teaching role as a figure that spends less time to explain and more to advise, energize, support, give feedback and guide students.
The model of flipped classroom or inverse class aims at responding to the need to rethink new methodological forms to be developed in a training process. Learning has ceased to be an internal and individual activity to become a collective network activity, the result of a reality in which knowledge is increasingly plural, global, digital and hyper textual. The pedagogical models that transfer theoretical knowledge out of the classroom and use class time to facilitate the acquisition and practice of knowledge in the classroom are becoming more recurrent, making teaching more attractive and learning more revealing.

In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of data visualization, a discipline that helps us to represent data in a way that we can understand it better and make better decisions. Furthermore, we will debate bases of discipline and we will see concrete examples of good and bad practices as well as comment on existing tools in the market to carry out our visualizations.

Organizations need to turn individual talent into collective talent, and the key to that process is teamwork.
In this workshop, we will learn about the most significant advances in the science of work teams thanks to a unique first-person experience and a tool that allows measuring effectiveness and helping teams to achieve it.
The personal experience that we will get to know comes from the female hockey team that won a gold medal in Barcelona ‘92. The testimony of one of the players, Maribel Martínez de Murguía, will allow us to get closer to that team’s story and to nine elements of team effectiveness.

Biopolis is a powerful and versatile internationally recognized methodology focused on the latest trends in Gamification and based on the principles of Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership.
It has been developed thanks to the work of the best experts in Personal, Professional and Organizational Development of the last thirty years.
Through a playful dynamic, participants enter in a context of experiential learning (Learning by doing) by developing desired competences.
Biopolis cards based on the Coaching Tool "The Wheel of Life" are aimed at the previously proposed objectives or are either developed from what is emerging during the session.

In this session, Oscar García Pañella, partner from the Cookie Box and head of the Gamification department, will help the participants discover the motivational design through different real experiences that the company has worked on. The participants themselves will investigate and draw conclusions in order to discover behind different clues related to these projects.
It is about "preaching by example", so the session will develope interactively. We will work based on the "gamejam" format that has been studied intensively and rigorously thanks to European research projects such as JAMToday. These, are creation sessions that, inspired by games and their mechanics, pursue competence development through intensive praxis and creativity by promoting "networking" and a distinct pedagogical design.
During this session, the group will work on a real experience designed and implemented by Cookie Box for some of its clients. All experiences will be related to a different way of working with knowledge management, with the promotion of talent and with the planning of training in organizations.
Participants will observe these elements in combination with audio-visual resources as a "teaser" of this transmedia experience (multi media, multi format, multi platform). Inductive reasoning to identify and select the skills worked on that project and the game elements used will solve this experience.

The workshop of the island of birds shows the relationship between the teams’ knowledge and results.
It begins with a challenge to the participants: the construction of a tower as high as possible with the available resources. It is a new task for the participants. The construction is between teams of three or more people and it is developed in two separate rooms. Each team builds its tower and the heights are measured. Then, three of the most common processes for knowledge management are introduced: learning after the action (after action review), assistance between teams and the use of knowledge assets. It reflects on the impact of learning in relation to the height that the newly built tower can reach.
The last practice consists in the construction of a new tower incorporating the newly acquired knowledge. Always, the height of the second tower is higher than that of the first, often, even, three or four times higher.
The workshop ends with a detailed analysis of the process and a reflection on the value that the different tools used can contribute to each organization.