(Peter M. Senge)
Since 2003, the Autonomous University of Barcelona’s Organisational Development Team (http://edo.uab.cat/en ) has focused one of its lines of research on analysing knowledge creation and management (KCM) processes in organisations involved with education and training. To do this, it has received funding from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Since 2007, this line of study has been interested in the analysis of KCM processes in communities of practice (CoP), and has increasingly focused the spotlight on analysing informal learning in the workplace.
In addition, Grupo EDO is committed, by vocation and social commitment, to make the knowledge they generate available to society in general, and to other professionals and academics interested in these results. Following this premise, in 2003 they organised the first EDO event with the purpose of generating debate around different types of training strategies in organisations. With the collaboration of the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training, Grupo EDO launched the International EDO Congress (IEDOC) in 2010; the second was held in 2012 and a third and forth, in 2014 and 2016, which saw collaboration from the Catalonia School of Public Administration School, thus establishing CIEDO as one of the activities that has most significant international impact, related to the topics addressed.
Those 3 institutions will organise the 2018 V International EDO Congress "Leadership and management of talent in the organitsations" together. Its purpose will be to discuss managers' rol in knowledge and talent management in the organisations, corporative social networks to promote social learning and action learning as a tool to facilite professional development.
Antoni ArasanzInternational University of Valencia
Ángel L. Arbonies OrtizArbonies & Asociados
Ana Rosa Arias GagoUniversity of León
Carme Armengol AsparóUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Inmaculada Aznar DíazUniversity of Granada
Aleix Barrera CorominasUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Alejandra BoscoUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
María Pilar Cáceres RecheUniversity of Granada
Antonio Campos SotoUniversity of Granada
Marta Camps SolerPublic Administration School of Catalonia
Ruth Cañón RodríguezUniversity of León
Isabel Cantón MayoUniversidad de León
Joaquim Carbonell Ferret de QuerolNeos - Knoco
Arnau Careta PlansBarcelona Espai de Supervisió (BES)
Paulino CarniceroUniversity of Barcelona
Ana M. CastañoUniversity of Oviedo
Mercedes Catalán Ledesma-RamosTHP (The Project)
Araceli Crespo BacheroPromotion Service of Associationism and Volunteering. DGACC- Generalitat de Catalunya
Oscar Dalmau IbañezUnion Training Consortium
Isabel del Arco BravoUniversitat de Lleida
Anna Díaz-VicarioUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Nancy DixonCommon Knowledge Associates
Maria del Mar DuranUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Mohammed El HomraniUniversity of Granada
Maria Isabel Escaler PuigoriolGeneral Water Society of Barcelona, S.A.U.
Ana Fernández FélixINAP - National Institute of Public Administration
Tània Fernàndez LleonartPublic Administration School of Catalonia
Xavier FerràsUniversity of Vic - Central University of Catalonia
Elena Ferrero de LucasUniversity of Leon
Begonya FolchBarcelona Education Consortium
Anna FornésFundació Factor Humà
Sara Franco FarréSocial Services of the City Council of Barcelona
Juan FreireBusiness School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey
Arturo Fuentes CabreraUniversity of Granada
Joaquín Gairín SallánUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
María Pilar Gamarra GamarraPolytechnic University of Catalonia
Oscar García PañellaCookie Box
Marta Soledad García RodríguezUniversity of Oviedo
Antonio L. García-IzquierdoUniversity of Oviedo
Sheila García-MartínUniversity of León
Eva Gea SantiagoPublic Administration School of Catalonia
Xavier Gimeno SoriaBarcelona Espai de Supervisió (BES)
Mercè GisbertUniversity Rovira & Virgili
Santiago González PiñeiroEntrenadores de Talento S.L.
Mario Grande de PradoUniversity of León
Eva Herrero AlonsoAjuntament de Barcelona
Àlex Hinojo SánchezAmical Wikimedia
Edgar Iglesias VidalUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Begoña Ladrón de GuevaraUniversity Center Villanueva
Concepción Lagüela CarballosaCorreos and Telégrafos
Pablo Lara-NavarraOpen University of Catalonia
María Verónica Leiva GuerreroPontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Juan J. Leiva OlivenciaUniversity of Málaga
Jesús López BelmonteUniversity of Granada
Jordi López CampsDiputació de Barcelona
Saida López CrespoUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Javier Martínez AldanondoKnoco Chile
Moisés Martínez BerrioCoachingames.net
Jesús Martínez MarínCenter for Legal Studies and Specialized Training
Alicia Marzo SalasSocial Services of the City Council of Barcelona
Xavi Mas GarciaelearnCenter (UOC)
Pablo Monteagudo HaroCorreos and Telégrafos
Esteban Mora MuñozKreaCoach
Jose Luis MuñozUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Manel Muntada ColellCumClavis
Mireia Ochoa MallofréCenter for Legal Studies and Specialized Training
Víctor Pascual CidOneTandem
Ramón Pérez PérezUniversity of Oviedo
Eulàlia Pla RiusPublic Administration School of Catalonia
Vanessa Pleguezuelos HernándezBank of Blood and Weavings, Generalitat de Catalunya
Nuria Portillo-PobladorPolytechnic University of Valencia
Susana Ramírez FernándezPublic Administration School of Catalonia
Genís RocaRocaSalvatella
Alexander Rodríguez LópezBasque Institute of Public Administration
David Rodríguez-GómezAutonomous University of Barcelona
José María Romero RodríguezUniversity of Granada
Laura Rosillo CascanteObservatory of Learning in Madurescence
Sebastián SánchezProfessional Institute Duoc UC
Pilar Saura AgelBadalona Serveis Assistencials
Aitor Silván RicoNovaGob
Rebeca Soler CostaUniversity of Zaragoza
Cristóbal Suárez-GuerreroUniversity of Valencia
Carlos Mª Suso LlamasJunta de Andalucía
Mireia TintoréInternational University of Catalonia
Marina TomàsUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona
José Manuel Trejo MenayoRepsol, S.A.
Eva María Trillo SanchezCorreos and Telégrafos
Juan Manuel Trujillo TorresUniversity of Granada
Maria Inés Vázquez ClaveraUniversity Institute Christian Youth Association
Magda VilaGeneralitat de Catalunya
Duncan WaiteTexas State University