Second session (05/06/2025)
La transferencia de conocimiento en época de sobresaturación e Inteligencia Artificial [Knowledge Transfer in times of oversaturation and Artificial Intelligence]
Moderator(s): Jesús Martínez Marín
From 12:00 to 13:30

Participants will present topics for the study and transfer of scientific and professional knowledge. New informational variables that saturate individual and organizational attention spans will be analyzed, as well as the decreasing role of specialized conferences and journals. The conversation will also focus on the scientific contributions of the seven EDO Conferences since 2010, analyzing their present and future prospects.
The final objective is to reflect on how to reposition the knowledge generated in (new) learning events so that it is relevant, attractive and useful for professionals.


Coordinator: Jesús Martínez
Speakers: José Luis Alonso Andresano, María Cano Bonilla (Content and Learning Consultancy), Pablo Rivarola Padrós and Joaquín Gairín Sallán (CRiEDO - UAB)

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